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Invest In Canada / Canada Investment Program





Reasons to choose Canada

- One of the most valued passports internationally.
- Free education/medical
- Visa free access to 170+ countries including USA, UK, EU
- Canada is world’s 2nd best country to live in when it comes to quality of life, economy, culture, etc.
- If you want peace and quality life in your old age, Canada is world’s 5th best country to get old in, as it has very good pension programs.
- Canada is one of the world’s wealthiest countries as its economy is the 14th largest economy in the world.
- It has immense opportunities for the younger generation when it comes to employment.
- It is one the most peaceful countries in the whole world.
- Canada is a diverse country when it comes to welcome different cultures.
- Canada is filled with numerous scenic beauties which are very famous in the world.
- Canada welcomes immigrants from 175 countries each year.

Canada’s Immigration Plan

Canada is targeting to welcome more than 400,000 immigrants each year in 2021, 2022 and 2023 as per the official government site of Canada.

UK – Start UP Visa





Startup Visa is for someone who wants to apply for the visa from inside or outside the UK with the intention to set up a business in the UK


- You must be above 18.
- Meet the English language requirement
- Degree taught in English from a recognized University
- Must have at least £945 in your bank account for 90 consecutive days before you apply.
- Must have a business plan and you must be able to show that your business idea is:
- A new idea – you cannot join or invest in a business that is already trading
- Viable, with potential for growth
- Your business plan/ idea must be endorsed by an authorized body that is either:
- UK higher education institution
- A business organization with a history of supporting UK entrepreneurs

You can stay in the UK for 2 years on a Start-up visa. You can:

- Bring family members with you
- Switch to this visa from some other visa categories
- Work in another job, as well as working for your business

Visa Process - What happens in the 4 stage process

Stage 1 – Visa Eligibility Check and Application Form

- An interview is held with the International Office who will undertake a visa eligibility check which will be passed to the Enterprise team on completion. The applicant should make sure they understand all the processing charges.
- The Enterprise team will explain the Startup Visa (SV) scheme and take the applicant through the Application form; the Applicant signs the form prior to commencing work with the Enterprise Team.
- At this point the applicant should ensure that they have deposited sufficient funds in their bank account for use throughout the application process.

Stage 2 – Preparation for Panel / Presentation to Panel

- The Enterprise team work with the applicant on preparing a viable business plan with financial forecasts (3 years) and a presentation for an Endorsement panel. The applicant will normally receive 2 consultations during this period – additional sessions are at the discretion of the Enterprise team.
- The Enterprise team will make a continuous assessment of the applicant and will only convene an Endorsement Panel when they consider the applicant suitable. They will not take part in the Endorsement panel and are not part of the final decision to endorse an application.
- Applications can be made from within the UK or outside of the UK during this time. There are different rules according to where the application is made – please refer to the Government website or International Office for details.
- If the Endorsement panel approves the application a report is sent to the International Office and an endorsement letter is prepared. Please note that this can take up to 4 weeks (or longer if there are complications).

Stage 3 – Visa Application

- Once the endorsement letter is available the applicant should arrange a meeting with the International Office who will help them to make the formal application for the visa. This will involve payment of the various processing fees, including the Health Surcharge. It is the applicant’s responsibility to make sure they understand the full range of charges since they will depend on individual circumstances.
- The application is submitted along with the applicant’s identity documents. Please note: the applicant will not be able to undertake any activity requiring presentation of identity documents during this time (such as international travel) and must not register the business before receiving an approval visa. The time required to process the application is as specified on the Government web-site

Stage 4 – Incubation Programme

- The applicant will be notified once the Visa has been issued and will be required to arrange an ‘Induction meeting’ with the International Office within 2 weeks of receiving their Visa. Failure to make this meeting may result in withdrawing their sponsorship.
- After visa the applicant will be required to pay the incubation programme fees in full. They will be reminded of their obligations under the Startup Visa scheme  You can get more information on

LPR – Legal Permanent Residency pathway…

- Applicant will be eligible to switch the visa into Innovator Visa after 2 years, the same will be granted for 3 years, during this time applicant will have to work in the same business for which the endorsement are issued
- At the time of applying for Innovator Visa, the applicant need to show that he/she got access to more than £50,000.00
- Applicant will be eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain after successfully completing 5 years (2 years  on Startup Visa and 3 years on Innovator Visa)

New UK Innovator Visa






You can apply for an Innovator visa if

- you want to set up or run a business in the UK
- you’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland
- you meet the other eligibility requirements
- your business or business idea has been endorsed by an approved body

Funds you’ll need

- You must have at least £50,000 in investment funds if you want to set up a new business. You do not need funds if either:
- your business is already established and has been endorsed for an earlier visa
- you’ve changed your business and already agreed it with your endorsing body

How long you can stay

- You can stay for 3 years if you:
- come to the UK on an Innovator visa
- switch to this visa from another visa
- You can apply to extend for another 3 years when your visa is due to expire. There’s no limit on the number of times you can extend.
- You may be able to apply for settlement (known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’) once you’ve been in the UK for 3 years.

What you can and cannot do

You can:

- set up a business or several businesses
- work for your business – this includes being employed as a director, or self-employed as a member of a business partnership
- bring family members with you

You cannot:
-  do any work outside your business, for example work where you’re employed by another business
- work as a doctor or dentist in training
- work as a professional sportsperson, for example a sports coach
- get public funds

NewZealand Skilled Migrant Category






Skilled Migrant Category

If you have skills, qualifications or experience that New Zealand needs you may be able to apply for a resident visa under the Skilled Migrant Category.

The Skilled Migrant Category is a points system based on factors such as age, work experience, your qualifications, and an offer of skilled employment. You must also be aged 55 or under, and meet English language, health, and character requirements.

How it works

- Self Assessment
- Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI)
- Receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA)
- If you have 160 points or more you’ll be selected from the EOI pool and may be sent an ITA
- Submit a resident application
- Receive your visa
- If successful, you’ll be issued a resident visa

Common mistakes to avoid

Skilled Migrant Category applicants often make these mistakes that result in fewer points being recognised:
Qualifications not recognised

If you’re claiming points for your qualifications they need to either be on the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment or have been assessed by NZQA.

Work experience not comparable

If you’re claiming points for work experience it must be in the same field as your qualification and job/job offer. If you don’t have a job or job offer then this experience also needs to be in a comparable labour market, in an occupation on the Long Term Skill Shortage List or for a multinational company.
Bonus point requirements not met

To claim work experience bonus points you need to meet the strict requirements outlined on the Long Term Skill Shortage List.

Long term skill shortage list

The Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL) identifies occupations where there is a sustained and on-going shortage of highly skilled workers both globally and throughout New Zealand.

If you get a job in an occupation on the LTSSL and meet the list requirements, you may be granted a Work to Residence visa under the Long Term Skill Shortage List work visa. This means that you may be eligible to apply for residence in two years, provided you meet standard requirements and that job has a base salary of at least NZ$45,000. Download

Regional skill shortage list

The Regional Skill Shortage List (RSSL) includes occupations where skilled workers are required in particular regions of New Zealand and indicates that there are no New

Zealand citizens or residents available to take up the position. This enables faster processing of the application.

If you are offered a job on the RSSL and meet the list requirements you may be granted an Essential Skills work visa. This means that you are permitted to work in New Zealand temporarily. You won’t necessarily be able to apply for residence.

More information

The content on this page is a summary of what can be found on the Immigration New Zealand website. For comprehensive process and requirements guide visit their website section.

Express Entry for Canada





- Government of Canada, provinces and territories (P/Ts) and Employers will have a direct role in economic immigration.
- New and improved Job Bank will connect Canadian employers with a comprehensive pool of candidates if they can’t find Canadians or permanent residents to do the job.
- Express Entry candidates with a valid job offer or P/T nomination will quickly be invited to apply for permanent residence.
- CIC will be able to select candidates that are most likely to succeed in Canada, rather than the first in line.
- Express Entry candidates will benefit from processing times of six months or less.*
- All Category candidate can apply.
- Master Degree will add more points.
- IELTS Higher score will add more Points.
- Education related Experience not required.
- Candidate can apply for PR under multiple programs at a time.

Skilled Independent Visa (189)





The Skilled Independent Visa helps the applicant to migrate to Australia. This visa uses a points test and allows the applicants to migrate to Australia if the applicant has competent English language and other skills and attributes which will contribute the most to the Australian economy.

Note: The applicants do not require any sponsorship to apply for the Skilled Independent Visa.

The applicants who want to apply for this visa must qualify in certain areas which are, the applicant must be under 50 years of age, must have language skills in English, and must have the skills and qualifications that meet the Australian standard for an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL).

Note : The Skilled Occupation List is a list of skilled occupations of high value to the Australian labour market.

The Skilled Independent Visa in Australia allows the applicants and any secondary applicants included in the visa application to live as permanent residents in Australia.

Australian permanent residents can live and work on a permanent basis. The permanent residents in Australia can study in schools, Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector or universities in Australia. They can receive healthcare through Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). They can access certain social security payments (subject to waiting periods). They can be eligible for Australian Citizenship (subject to the residency eligibility criteria). They can also sponsor people for permanent residence.

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